A properly hosted web site is a lazy man’s way to make a fortune online :: Web Hosting
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Choosing a Web Host with Good Honest Service
If you are anything like me, you’d probably like to have a website on the Internet but you just have no idea how to go about it. All this talk of web hosting, bandwidth, disc space, and other jargon can cause one to say, ;This is too complicated and ...

How to Choose a Web Host - Frequently Asked Questions
In this article you'll be provided with helpful information about how to choose a web host. There are several things to look for when choosing a reliable web host. Below, you will be provided with frequently asked questions and the answers to common ...

Should you renew with your current host? - Your website in the year 2009
Sometime during this year the chances are you're going to have to renew your hosting package. Can you be sure you’re still getting the best deal for your site?Hosting companies, as businesses, spring up all the time. This is because they are so easy to ...

A properly hosted web site is a lazy man’s way to make a fortune online
If there was ever such a thing as the lazy man's way to a fortune then the only place where there would be any chance of finding it would be online.

Where else can a small business run by a lone entrepreneur be able to supply services that rival those of a fortune 500 company?

Recent developments have continued to make it easier than ever to do all sorts of innovative things from a web site virtually on autopilot. This has dramatically increased the chances of a small home based business or even a lone entrepreneur, making a major impact in any industry. This is the ultimate low cost way of doing business that is revolutionizing the world of business.

All this makes the web more and more of a genuine lazy man's way of making a fortune. But all that is assuming that the web site works.

All too often web entrepreneurs put in so much effort in building and developing their web presence without paying too much attention to what I call the "back room operations ". The "backroom operations " of a web site mainly consist of the hosting service. The hosting service can easily cripple what would have otherwise been a successful web business.

This can happen in many ways starting with the concern that is on everybody's top burner these days - security. Many hosts have very poor security capabilities, making it a piece of cake for anybody to hack into your web site.

That is assuming that people can get to your web site in the first place. This is the other major problem experienced as a result of having a poor hosting service. Regular search engine users are only too aware of how frequently they click on a web site only to find that the site is unavailable.

When you pay a little more attention to who you are entrusting with the responsibility of hosting your web site, then there is a chance that the web can truly be a lazy man's way to business success for you. With a hosting company that guarantees that your site will be up 99.9% of the time, running and doing business 24/7, then you can quickly make the sky your limit because;

a) You can automate most of the functions on your web site, leaving valuable extra time for you to concentrate on marketing efforts and other tasks that go into a running a successful web site.

b) You can be sure that your site has reasonable protection against the rapidly rising number of hackers.

c) It means your site is there when people need to log in for information, meaning that all your hard earned traffic to your web site will be able to get there.

Just remember that you can build the most beautiful web site in the world, but it really all starts and ends with the hosting company.

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